1. Pick out the correct option:
The convenor _______ the meeting last week.
2. Pick out the correct answer:
The teacher with some students ________ the seminar.
3. Fill in the blanks with a suitable question tag:
The conductor will not give you change for Rs. 10________ ?
4. Fill up the blank with preposition:
The work will be over________ this evening.
5. Choose the correct answer from the options given:
Park your car the_______ tree.
6. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom 'A Cukoo in the nest'
7. Match the words with their meanings and choose the correct code from below:
Column A Column B
(a) teetotaller 1. using both hands skillfully
(b) ambidextrous 2. without a date
(c) sine die 3. genuine
(d) bonafide 4. refuses alcohol
(a) (b) (c) (d)
8. Choose the correct 'Antonym' for the underlined word from the options given:
Hughie's pictures were eagerly sought after.
9. Match the words from Column A with correct opposite word from Column B:
Column A Column B
(a) appropriate 1. insufficient
(b) adequate 2. put wrong
(c) rectified 3. unsuitable
(d) preferred 4. rejected
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10. Which word given below cannot have the suffix_________ism'?
I. regional
II. secular
III. rational
IV. response